Saturday, April 20, 2013

When the Sun Was Hidden


I was on a business trip a couple of weeks ago and my hotel window had the view of the open sky. I was very tired after a long day in meetings and decided to sit on my bed and stare out the window to decompress while it was still daylight out. I wanted to sit quietly and meditate on the Lord. I had no words for God, I just wanted to soak in His love. As I sat there and stared out the window the sun kept getting hid by large clouds and then because it was a windy day, the clouds would move and the sun would appear again and this cycle continued for a while. Sometimes I would see the sun in its full glory and my whole hotel room would brighten up and lift my mood and sometimes the clouds would hide the sun and it would get dark in my room again but I knew the sun was there behind the clouds even if I was not able to see it. It was the same way with God, just because we sometimes didn't see Him working in our lives, it didn't mean He was not there shining His light upon us. Did you know that the sun rays were stronger on cloudy days than on sunny days? God was constant, just like the sun. Our Father in heaven promised to never leave us nor forsake us, His rays of love were always over us even in the darkest days of our lives. My thoughts and prayers go out to all the boys, girls, men and women forced into modern day slavery (human trafficking) and for all those impacted by the Boston bombings. You were not and will not be forgotten.

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