Saturday, July 27, 2013

Share the Love of Jesus

The love of Jesus is very powerful. If you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ then you know how good He is and how merciful He is towards each and every one of us. My dear friends, share the good news with your girlfriends, with your neighbors, with those you sit next to on the plane, or in a car, or on the subway or on the bus or at work. Don't worry about what you'll say, let the Holy Spirit lead you but always be ready. May the Holy Spirit give you boldness. I was asked on the plane the other day why I thought Christianity is dying in Europe and the only thing I could say was that many people lost the personal relationship with Jesus Christ and only viewed Christianity as a religion. I didn't know that I was going to give that answer. So how does one keep a strong relationship with Jesus? We take the time to read the Bible, I recommend focusing on the New Testament scriptures, acknowledging that we need to be fed daily and so we take the time to pray each day - not some memorized, scripted prayer, but a sincere prayer from the heart, and getting plugged in a local, Bible-based church.  If we do this the Lord will show us how to come closer and closer to Him each day. It is Jesus who gives us the strength to do this, that is why you found yourself on this blog reading this message :).

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