Waiting for Water to Boil

Have you ever stood by the stove and waited for water to boil? When I'm waiting for it to boil it feels like it is taking forever, but the moment I stop waiting and decide to do something else in the kitchen or just begin to clean up around the house, before I know it the water is boiling and I have to run to it to drop in my pasta. I think that is how life is in general when we're waiting. When we think and focus on what we're waiting for it feels so much longer than it really is. I think that's why so many of us are browsing the internet on our phones while we're waiting on a red light in traffic or when we're in line at Starbucks waiting for our skinny lattes. When wearing my braces for two years, I remember feeling like it was never going to end, but eventually it did and when I look back, time actually flew by much faster than I thought. Right now I'm waiting for a couple of big things to happen and when I focus on them, I get really impatient and fearful but when I forget about what I'm waiting for my time goes by so much faster and I find myself much happier and content in the process. It's a constant attitude adjustment that I have to make and the more I read my Bible and the more I pray, the more content I get AND the more distracted I get with good things. I don't think that's an accident. For the steps of God's children are ordered by Him. When we take the effort everyday to spend time with our Lord Jesus, our focus is redirected on the things that really matter and as a result we are refreshed and our faith grows and time is spent on much better things than watching and waiting for the water to boil. The steps of a good man (and woman) are ordered by the Lord: and He delights in his/her way. Psalm 37:23
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