Thursday, February 6, 2014

Have a Sense of Humor

Life can be very hard sometimes and I think if one doesn't have a sense of humor, it becomes even more difficult. I think if we look at life too seriously, it can cripple our thoughts and make things seem worse than they really are.  The Bible says to rejoice with those who are rejoicing and to mourn with those who are mourning. My question is, who are you spending more time with? The rejoicers or the mourners? Yes, there are some people that are just way too happy - I have learned that usually it's because they're just playing a part, they want to give an appearance that everything is fine when it's really not fine. I'm not talking about these people, I'm talking about people who are a pleasure to be around because they are full of joy and they can make you laugh. Then there are the Debbie Downers, who are always upset, looking for reasons to be mourners and cynics - I am of course not referring to those who have fallen into depression or are mourning a loved one. So who do you spend more time with?  The name of this blog is "For the Serious Girly Girl", "serious" means that this girly girl is interested in living a life that's pleasing to Jesus, but it doesn't mean that the girly girl is always in deep thought and never has anything funny to say. I am one of those people who loves to joke around, to laugh a lot, to read the funnies, and to find pleasure in the little things in daily life. However, I also cry when I'm sad and I enjoy serious discussions and fighting for things I believe in. I also think that the more serious one is about Jesus, the more things we find to rejoice about. Jesus says in the Bible that He has come that we might have life and might have it more abundantly and Jesus says to come to Him when we are tired and He promises to order our steps and to never leave us nor forsake us. Jesus also says that we can come to Him for anything and on top of it we have the Holy Spirit to comfort us. When we rely more on Jesus, it's easier to have a lighter mood and to take time to read the funnies, even when things aren't going exactly the way we want them to go. 

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